So, you’ve got a new puppy and you are planning to start puppy classes because you know good puppy classes are an integral part of helping you and your dog invest in a long and harmonious future.
We offer a range of courses for puppies to teenage dogs to help set you up for success.
Our Stage 1 Puppies course is aimed at newly vaccinated puppies up to approx 5/6 months. The course gives you and your puppy…
- the opportunity to meet other young dogs in a calm and controlled environment
- understanding of how dogs think and the importance of not pressuring your pup
- the skills to avoid unwanted behaviours
- basic training from recall to walking to heel
- the tools you need to ensure you have a long and happy relationship with your dog
- plus a goodie bag for your pet
Our Stage 2 course is aimed at puppies from 6+ months that have graduated from our Stage 1 course or have had some basic training. This course helps your young dog…
- get to grips with further and more advanced training skills
- understand crisis management
- maintain those skills already learned
- learn some fun tricks too
Getting the most out of Puppy School
We use positive reinforcement at Walk the Dog Puppies – so making sure you have plenty of treats for the class is really important. We recommend you bring along a variety; this keeps your puppy guessing what delicious treat might be next, and keeps him from getting tired of (and undermotivated by) any one type of treat. If you also vary the level of interest these treats have to your puppy (from ones he likes to those that he’s crazy about) you will be able to bring our the highest-value treats for rewarding the most difficult behaviours you ask your pup to perform, new behaviours, or for behaviours performed while there are distractions. And keep your treats small, otherwise your dog will soon fill up in class!
In class, you’ll get plenty of opportunities to practice new skills and learnt ones. But it shouldn’t stop there – practice makes perfect, so do make sure you continue learning at home. Keep your training sessions at home short and positive – and sprinkled throughout the day if possible.
During each class we give owners the opportunity to ask questions, as well as focus on a ‘hot topic’ for that week. So, make sure you bring along any questions and if there’s anything you are confused about do ask the trainer. For owners needing more help, we can speak to them before or after class, as well as over email and phone. We also provide written handouts – and give some homework to help owners focus and remember.
Our classes teach you the principles of positive training with your puppy so you apply them to behaviours beyond those taught in class. And, most of all – our classes are fun. Check out our photostream.
For further information or to book go to:
Learn more about our classes
Get Hanne's book, clothing and more
Hanne has a number of publications including her book Playing With Your Dog to help owners work out the games that are best suited for their pet to play throughout his life, from puppyhood to old age, available from Amazon. Check out Hanne's range of contemporary casuals The Collection – for pet lovers made from recyclable, organic materials that are sustainably sourced.