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Three principles all dog owners can apply

Dog training isn’t just about getting a behaviour and attaching a cue to it; instead, I like to consider it more as an art form that requires an understanding of our animal’s world and practice in order to hone our…

Introducing your puppy to your cat

Nurturing appropriate cat-dog relationships is something I’m passionate about and that’s because bringing a new puppy into your home can…

Self-awareness in animals

The most common test of self-awareness is the ‘mirror test’ developed by Gallup in 1970, originally using chimpanzees.    The…

Playing with your dog: some scent game ideas

In 2010 my little book was published, designed as a quick-read for owners to understand the importance of play and…
Hanne Grice Pet Training & Behaviour Logo

Sniffing out Parkinson’s disease

The research charity Medical Detection Dogs is partnering with Manchester University to determine whether dogs can sniff out Parkinson’s disease.…

Webcast: Moving house – tips for dog owners

A pet’s survival guide… Moving house can be an incredibly exciting yet stressful time for us humans, and it can…